

The recommended way to setup development of a feature branch is an editable install of a fork of the git repository. First make sure that you are working in a conda environment or your favorite style of virtual environment.

$ git clone<username>/dask-histogram.git
$ cd dask-histogram
$ git remote add upstream
$ git checkout -b my-feature upstream/main
$ pip install -e .[complete]

The use of [complete] ensures that you install the dependencies for testing and building the documentation. You can also use [test] or [docs] to install only the dependencies for running tests or building documentation, respectively.

After running the tests on your new feature, push your branch to your fork and create a pull request.

Testing, etc.

We use pytest for testing; after installing with the [complete] option you can run (from the top level of the repository):

$ python -m pytest

We use black for formatting:

$ black src tests

And ruff for linting:

$ python -m ruff .

Type hints are encouraged; we use mypy for static type checking:

$ mypy


We use Sphinx to build the documentation.

$ cd docs
$ make html
# Open _build/html/index.html in a web browser

Install sphinx-autobuild to get a live updated instance of the documentation, and run it from the project root directory.

$ pip install sphinx-autobuild
$ sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html
# Open a web browser at