
Tagging a version

We use calendar versioning (CalVer) with the format: YYYY.MM.X where X is incremented depending on how many releases have already occurred in the same year and month. For example, if the most recent release is the first release from March of 2023 it would be 2023.3.0, the next release (on any day in that month) would be 2023.3.1.

Check the latest tag with git (or just visit the GitHub repository tags list):

$ git fetch --all --tags
$ git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)

Create a new tag that follows our CalVer convention (using 2023.3.0 example above, we write the next tag accordingly):

$ git tag -a -m "2023.3.1" 2023.3.1

Push the tag to GitHub (assuming origin points to the dask-contrib/dask-histogram remote):

$ git push origin 2023.3.1

Making the release

To make a release of dask-histogram we just need the build and twine packages:

$ pip install build twine

The build-system that we use (hatch with hatch-vcs) will automatically set a version based on the latest tag in the repository; after making the tag we just need to generate the source distribution and wheel, this is handled by the build package:

$ python -m build

Now a new dist/ directory will appear, which contains the files (continuing to use our example version 2023.3.1):


Now we just upload these files to PyPI with twine:

$ twine upload dist/dask_histogram-2023.3.1*

The GitHub regro-cf-autotick-bot account will automatically create a pull request to release a new version on conda-forge.